Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just Neighbours.

For the most part, this is a great neighbourhood.  

Trudi across the street is such a sweet old gal.  Anne & Jack next door are fine neighbours; Ray two-doors down can't do enough for you.  Across the street from him Krista & Mike have a growing family, and right on the other side of us are Derek and Rhonda and their girls.

All great people; it's an honour to know them.  And they're so quiet.

It's the other neighbours that make all the racket.

The Raven family start at the first hint of dawn with their loud rawk-rawk-rawk outside our bedroom window.  Then the Robins start.  Mind you, their singing voices are much nicer than the Ravens, but still; it's so early!

Throughout the morning we'll hear Mr. & Mrs. Finch chattering away at each other.  Our neighbourhood bachelor, Mr. Redpoll often interrupts them with his cranky chirping.

We have a local street gang.  Well, branches-gang, really.  The Chickadees.  They'll sweep in squabbling and rassling and darting about and then disappear as noisily as they came.

Our local hermit, Mr. Cicada, who lives in a tree and nobody sees, loudly razzes the neighbourhood on hot afternoons.

In the evenings, Mr. Cardinal sings beautiful love songs to his wife, while the Mourning Doves sit on the wire and pour out their grief.

At night, the Raccoon's have the loudest fights, crazy laughter echoes up from the parties the Loons hold on the lake, and the Nighthawk screeches overhead.

Thank goodness the deer are quiet...

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

just stopped by to read some more of your handiwork...LOVED this one!! :-)